How to take daily care of the hair on Rainy Days

In this post, we talk about How to take daily care of the hair on Rainy Days. Rainy seasons come as a welcome retreat from the hot summer heat. As entry of the rainy season brings relief to many as they have to face the heat blows and sunburns from the harsh sun. But the monsoon also takes some worst effects. The high suffocation in the monsoon can mainly damage skin and hair. These days the environment is full of pollutants, and so the rain that falls is not clean, rather than it is full of carbon dust and pollution. Hair is at the risk of receiving hydrogen and make it frizzly. Here is the list of- How to take daily care of the hair on Rainy Days.

Apply Oil Twice Weekly

A good hair oil massage will do amazing facts for your hair throughout this season. Although, apply oil to your hair once or twice a week to moisturize dry hair. A soft massage will avoid hair damage and give deep conditioning to the hair. And it keeps hair strong and smooth.

Follow the hair wash routine

Make sure to wash your hair two or three times a week. Throughout monsoon has a high oil flow on the scalp. And make it easy for hair to get frizzy and roughy. Use a gentle antibacterial hair shampoo that will nourish your hair while also fighting bacterial and fungal germs.

A conditioner is a must

Rainwater is almost acidic and dirty. If you are walking out, use a protective leave-in conditioner and dry your hair usually. It will make a protective coating on your hair and shield it from the damage rainwater for causing. Moreover, it will work as a deodorizer to keep your hair exhaling well.

Go short hair cut

A haircut is an easy way to overcome the stress of hair-keeping. Short hair is almost easier to manage and keep healthy during the rainy season.

Use the right comb

During all seasons, it is main to use the correct kind of comb. Mainly, if you are doing with wet hair, use a wide-tooth comb because it will assure that your hair does not crack and get damaged.

Keep your hair dry

While it possibly is attractive to step out in the rain. And remind as soon as you step inside your home. Also, take the time to wash and dry your hair. Although, over moisture on the scalp is like a starting infection. Extra hair care advice is to avoid tying your hair if it’s wet.

Try natural remedies at home

Try to make and apply hair masks by following do-it-yourself guidance to beat these up at home. Although, you can usually make organic shampoos and conditioners by using home ingredients from the kitchen. And those homemade formulas do not hold the chemicals commonly seen in hair care products.

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