Home Remedies For Acne-Pimples in Rainy Season

In this post, we talk about Home Remedies For Acne-Pimples in Rainy Season. In the rainy season, you need to do more care for your skin. Although Cleanliness and care the parts that you need to think over here.

The list of Home Remedies For Acne-Pimples in Rainy Season:-

Make a paste for Acne

Acne is a normal problem in the rainy season and other seasons. Also, It can apply a paste of fuller’s earth(Multani Mitti), clove oil mixed with water, and camphor(Kapur). And let it dry for 10-15 minutes wash with cold water.

Make a paste for Pimples

Pimples can be get cleared by using a paste of fuller earth(Multani Mitti), sandalwood powder(Chandan powder), and neem leaves paste. Make a paste and applied only on the pimples.

Tomato Remedy

Although tomato works amazingly in keeping good skin in the rainy season. Firstly, you have to take tomatoes that have juicy pulp. Secondly, apply the juicy part to the skin and let it dry completely. After that, wash it with normal water. Your skin will get bright and fresh with this remedy in the rainy season.

Daily apply Aloe Vera Gel

This is a natural way to helps your skin from bacteria-free in the rainy season. After bath does not skip applying Aloe Vera gel. This will help your skin from bacteria-free and microbes that are harmful in the rainy season. Do this daily in the rainy season to stay healthy and clear skin.

Daily Toning Of Skin

Only cleaning your face with a toner or a foaming face wash. Your skin pores will be opened and breathable. Although the pores will be opened and make your skin get full moisture inside the skin. Also, make sure the toner suits your skin. Take it in a cotton pad or ball and use it on your skin. Especially on your face and neck. 

Take Right And Healthy Diet

Importantly, you have to take a healthy diet in the rainy season. So that your skin always is well healthy. Especially, try to avoid more oily and spicy food. The food made outside will not be safe and healthful. Get and drink lots of water and detox drinks because it is a good way off for the microbes and toxins to grow. This gives hits to your skin and gives growth to all types of infections. Also, it is an important part that the diet helps tp your skin healthy and glowing from the inside. Take a balanced diet with all types of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

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