Some Yoga Asanas To reduce Belly-Fat

Here we discuss Some Yoga Asanas To Help reduce your Belly-Fat. Although many kinds of exercises are available, yoga poses are the best method of nourishing and toning one’s body in a full mind. Most tried asanas are the ones that help to flatten your tummy. Since yoga tries to work intensely on the center and the whole body with every asana. Although, a few easier poses give below, especially for beginners. These will help many stomach-related problems like illness, nausea, and bloating with increasing the stomach.

Here are Some Yoga Asanas To Help reduce your Belly-Fat:-

Bhujang Asana:-

Bhujang Asana in English(Cobra pose). This pose essentially works on growing your inside muscles and relaxing your lower back.

How to do this pose:-

  • Firstly, Lying on the carpet, put your face down.
  • Secondly, Open your hands on the floor and next to your shoulders.
  • Thirdly, Stretch your legs back and the tip of the toes touching the floor. And slowly breathe and uplift your upper body.
  • Make sure your thighs and toes form a straight line and touch the floor.
  • Possess this position for at least 25-30 seconds.
  • Free your body and come back to the lying down position and breath.

Dhanur Asana:-

Although  Dhanur Asana (Bow pose) easy, this pose can be quite a challenge for your abs, which is exactly what will help strengthen them.

How to do this pose:-

  • Firstly, Lying down on the floor with your face down.
  • Secondly, fold your knees and take your feet with your hands.
  • Thirdly, Breathe and lift both your hands and feet. Also lifting your thighs and chest.
  • Hold this pose for 30 seconds, slowly rising to 90 seconds.
  • Free yourself from taking a breath.

Kumbhak Asana:-

Kumbhak asana (The plank) is the most common and famous of poses. The Kumbhak asana (plank) pose is one of the most helpful poses to reduce your tummy fat.

How to do this pose:-

  • Lying your face down.
  • Lift the body over unfolded arms.
  • Mainly, Balance on your toes.
  • Face forward or downward.
  • Holding as long as you can, after a few rest and then repeat a few more times. Try to increase the time in this pose every day.

Nauk Asana 

Nauk asana (Boat pose) works brilliantly on your side and front tummy fat. Also, it helps muscles and strengthens your core.

How to do this pose:-

  • Firstly, Lie down on the ground facing the roof.
  • Secondly, Hold your hands by your side and ease your shoulders. And grip your legs vertical.
  • Now slowly lift your hands and legs together from the floor. And hold your belly in and above the ground at all times.
  • Create a 45-degree point for your body in a V-shape. And hold it for 60 seconds and take deep breathing.

Ustr Aasana 

Ustr asana (Camel Pose) is a little difficult pose. So make sure to do this pose when you are not suffering from any back problems.

How to do this pose:-

  • Bend on the floor with your knees hip-width as well as your thighs. Keep it straight and vertical to the floor.
  • Hold your hands on the top of your backside, fingers pointing downwards. And also lightly stretch your back inwards.
  • Slowly roll back and touch also holds your heels with your hands. Although, Straighten the backbone but don’t hurt your neck.
  • Hold this pose for at least one minute.

 Vasisth Asana

Vasisth asana (Side Plank Pose) is an alternative to the plank. This one is slightly tough but both effective in reducing your belly fat.

How to do this pose:-

  • Perform next to the downward-facing dog pose.
  • Move your left or right foot.
  • Till your body equally either right or left side.
  • Up the opposing arm in the air.
  • Stay in this pose for at least 15-30 seconds.
  • Turn to the downward-facing dog pose.

In the end, these asanas are best for a flat stomach. Do this in the mornings for good results. Although Flexibility plays the main role in doing the asanas. Mainly, make sure to practice deep breathing during the sessions.

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